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TV: Best Peep Show episodes

Peep Show follows the lives of Mark Corrigan and Jeremy "Jez" Usborne. They are two very different and dysfunctional best friends that share a flat in South London

Let's have a look at some of the best episodes


At this point in the series, Jeremy is a life coach who’s sleeping with his clients, Joe and Megan. 

He started a typically Peep Show love triangle. Mark meanwhile has been keeping tabs on April. She was the shoe shop clerk he’d followed back to Dartmouth Uni in a desperate attempt to win her years earlier. 


This episode contained the first appearance of Big Mad Andy 

It also saw Mark being ill and him pretending not to be ill, Jeremy "drugging" Mark, Jeremy trying to seduce Big Suze with shrooms, Mark being locked in his bedroom whilst also really needing the toilet... the list goes on and on.


"We're over the hump"

Mark and Sophie get married but it doesn't last very long. If you ever want a really good laugh in a short sharp burst, watch the sequence where Mark’s simultaneously very angry and very grateful after Jeremy reveals he once snogged Sophie. It is perfection.

Mark Makes a Friend

The first episode to feature Alan Johnson. 

Mark questions himself when he becomes infatuated with his boss, charismatic loan manager Alan Johnson, who asks Mark to join him on a business venture. Mark tries to work out if he is attracted to men. Jez and Johnson quickly take a disliking to each other. Mark drives Johnson's BMW without his permission or a licence, after Jez encourages him to, and drives into a skip.

Jeremy Makes It

The one with racist Daryl. I watch this episode at least once a month because it's just so good. 

Jez and Mark are concerned when they notice that Super Hans has a drug habit. At a gathering, Jez bumps into Gog, a guy that he used to bully at school. Gog is looking for musicians for an advertisement that he is working on for Honda. Mark becomes friends with his new colleague, Daryl. Turns ut Daryl is a horrible racist though. 


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